Habakkuk 2:2 challenges us to “WRITE THE VISION and MAKE IT PLAIN UPON TABLES, THAT HE MAY RUN THAT READETH IT.”  The word, VISION is defined as, “Something seen otherwise than by ordinary sight: an imaginary, supernatural, or prophetic sight beheld in sleep or ecstasy.”  A plain “VISION” is one, which is written in such a way that it can be easily understood, easily remembered and intelligently articulated.  The “VISION” that God has given Bishop A. B. Lackey, Sr. for the Georgia Northeast Jurisdiction is to, “Exemplify Holiness, With a Standard of Excellence.”  Simply put, anything that will be done under the name of the Georgia Northeast Jurisdiction must:  (1) Exemplify Holiness, which means to show, project, or publicly demonstrate the Nature of God (holiness), and  (2) it must be done with excellence, dignity and distinction.





There are several definitions for the word MISSION.  But the most befitting definition for our jurisdictional mission is, “A continuing task or responsibility that one is destined or fitted to do or specially called upon to undertake: Lifework, Vocation.”  The MISSION that God has called Bishop Aaron B. Lackey, Sr. to accomplish in the Georgia Northeast Jurisdiction has been birthed from the cries of “The People,” and will be the day-to-day promulgator of the VISION.  The Mission Statement of the jurisdiction is:  “Georgia Northeast Jurisdiction, Bringing About A C.H.A.N.G.E.”  Using the word C-H-A-N-G-E, God has given our bishop six focal points that will actively cause us to “Exemplify Holiness, With a Standard of Excellence.”


  • Challenge Denominational / Organizational Traditions

  • Help Struggling and Progressive Churches

  • Address Social & Spiritual Needs

  • Nurture Worship Environments

  • Generate Independent Institutions

  • Educate, Equip, Evangelize





The STRATEGY that will:  (1) Draw independent pastors/churches into the jurisdiction,  (2) keep pastors/churches working in the jurisdiction, and  (3) make us unique from other jurisdictions in the United Churches of God in Christ can be expressed through the acrostic—F-L-A-V-O-R.  The Strategy Statement for the jurisdiction is, “It’s the Georgia Northeast Flavor.”


  • First Class

  • Loyalty to the Jurisdiction

  • Assimilate UCOGIC Distinctives

  • Vibrant Worship

  • Orderly Flow

  • Redemptive Atmosphere








Copyright 2009 - 2021 Georgia Northeast Jurisdiction United Churches of God in Christ

161 Senoia Road, Fairburn GA 30213 - (770) 969-5126